quinta-feira, 21 de agosto de 2014

KPV SERVER V 9.8 [ final version ]

new commands:
* rem@ban = remove all bans
* rem@mem = remove all members
* restore@ban = restore all bans
* restore@mem = restore all members
* Member question added, q@on = to enable member question, sq@ = put new question, ex: sq@to get member.... 1 + 3?, sa@ = to put response, ex: sa@4;
* c@id = See the creation date of any username
* se@id = Search ids
* nx@ = See more result of id search
* Quiz updated;
* Top score Updated [ faster response added ]

* show@users updated, send show@users and bot send:
1 . user1
2 . user2
3 . user3
4 . user4


1 - portuguese
2 - english
3 - arabic
4 - bangladesh language
5 - indonesian language
6 - persian language


1 - quiz [ Multi player ]
2 - roll
3 - rolet
4 - tictactoe [ Multi player ]
5 - Snake game [ Multi player ]
-------------------------------------ALL COMMANDS--------------------------------------

commands 1:
mas@id =Add new Master
delmas@id =Remove master
show@mas = show master
wc@on =activate Wc
wc@off = deactivate Wc
wcpv@on =activate Wc pv
wcpv@off = deactivate Wc pv

commands 2:
wcmsg@Welcome:*#Hi:$ =msg of wc use this split(#) and %u for username and %r for roomnane.
addwc@%u welcome :* = To add msg to list of wcmsg
show@wcmsg = show wc msg

commands 3:
wcdel@msg = Delete specific wc msg
wc@clear = Delete all wc msg
msg@(:#lol#i am is bot:$#i love u:* =Change msg of auto msg, use split(#)
addmsg@hi my name is bot =Add automsg to list

commands 4:
delmsg@hi my name is bot = Delete especific msg of list automsg
msg@clear = Delete all automsg
show@msg = show automsg list
msgtimer@300 =time of auto msg

commands 5:
a@id =to admin id
o@id =to owner id
banip@id =to ban ip
m@id =to member
k@id =to kicked id
b@id =to ban id
v@id =to visitor
uv@ =Grant voice
mod@id =to moderator id

commands 6:
n@id =to none id
sub@msg =to subject of room
am@on =activate auto member
am@off = deactivate auto member
ab@on =activate auto ban
ab@off = deactivate auto ban
j@room =join other room

commands 7:
ac@ban =activate ban settings
d@ban = deactivate ban settings
ac@kick =activate kick settings
d@kick = deactivate kick settings
ac@mute =activate mute settings
d@mute = deactivate mute settings

commands 8:
max@150 = Set max length of msg
res@symbian =Add resource to blacklist
show@res = Show resources in blacklist
delres@symbian = Delete resource of blacklist

commands 9:
id@kaspavore =Add id to blacklist
show@id = Show ids in blacklist
delid@kaspavore = Delete id of blacklist
badmsg@FµςK =Add msg to blacklist
show@badmsg = Show msg in blacklist

commands 10:
delbadmsg@FµςK = Delete msg of blacklist
bot@quit =to quit bot
add@on = Enable auto Add for request
add@off = Desable auto Add for request
presence@on = Enable auto Add users in room

commands 11:
ad@id =Add specific id
presence@off = Desable auto Add users in room
show@users = Show users in room
invite@on =Auto Invite enabled
invite@off =Auto Invite desabled
say@msg = Send msg

commands 12:
tictactoe@on = Enable tictactoe
tictactoe@off = off tictactoe
roll@on =roll on
roll@off =roll off
rset@50= set limit 1 to 100
aroll@on= activate autoRoll set limit
aroll@off= deactivate autoroll set limit

commands 13:
quiz@on = activate quiz
quiz@off = deactivate quiz
quiztimer@30 = Set interval of question
next@ =Next question of quiz
score@user = see points of quiz and roll for user

commands 14:
love@on =activate love
love@off = desable love
rolet@on =activate rolet game
rolet@off = Desable rolet
bible@on = Enable Bible
bible@off = Desable Bible
bibletimer@45 = Set Bible timer

commands 15:
all@on =Enable this next commands for all users
all@off = Desable this next commands for all users
int@on = To activate interaction of bot,send exemple: Bot hi? bot how are u?

commands 16:
int@off = deactivate interaction of bot
video@love = Search videos exemple: video@love
wiki@world of cup = Search in wikipedia
nick@kaspavore = Nickname style maker

commands 17:
temp@city name = See temperature, time and weather. Exemple: temp@sao luis
s@room =to search room, exemple s@brasil
get@room =to get room users
gets@room =to get room users + resource

commands 18:
pt@hi =translate english to portuguese
eng@oi =translate portuguese to english
ara@hi =translate english to arabic
enga@txt =translate arabic to english

commands 19:
p@id =profile of id
yah@id =avatar yahoo
fb@id =avatar F.B
twt@id =avatar Twittєr
nim@id =avatar nimbuzz

commands 20:
snake@on = Enable Snake Game
snake@off = Off snake
wcnick@on = Enable Welcome by nickname
wcnick@off = Off wc by nickname
antiflood@on - Enable anti flood

commands 21:
antiflood@off - Off anti flood
report@on = Enable Reports[Shows Actor JID]
rea@on - Enable show reason[ need report on ]
report@off = off Reports
rea@off - off reason

commands 22:
top@ = See the top score of users
save@ = save settings
load@ = load settings
reset@ = reset settings
as@on = Automatic save the settings by time

commands 23:
as@off = Off auto save
q@on = Enable member question
q@off = off member question
sq@ = Set new question
sa@ = Set new answer

commands 24:
rem@ban = remove all bans
rem@mem = remove all members
restore@ban = restore all bans
restore@mem = restore all members

commands 25:
c@id = See the creation date of any username
se@id = Search ids
nx@ = See more result of id search
restart@ = Restart bot
about@ = About the bot

get here:

full bible [66 books ]:

6 comentários:

  1. Respostas
    1. http://s5.picofile.com/file/8149669100/KPV_SERVER_V_10_0_4_0.rar.html


  2. bro please can u add 2 more option
    1. auto sign in server id after open
    2. auto save all settings+id & auto load settings+id after open

  3. Respostas
    1. http://s5.picofile.com/file/8149669100/KPV_SERVER_V_10_0_4_0.rar.html

